We are a collective of technologists, developers, testers, engineers, CX’ers and enthusiasts with a passion for utilizing technology and digital solutions to drive meaningful outcomes. We love to share our knowledge and experience with others.



Stories range from tech to opinionated posts - from the people in .the tech collective

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We host events regularly - They are fee to attend and open to all. Go where we go

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We offer a growing library of free hands-on self-paced tutorials. Learn what we know.

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Powered by .the tech collective

…Think of .tech that club as an open community, where you can get a dip of the finger in our honey pot and get a taste of what it implies to be part of our world in .the tech collective.

The website you’re at now is our .club site. On these pages each author speaks with her or his own tone-of-voice. Our stories have discussions enabled, and you are encouraged to join and set your mark - all it takes is a GitHub Account.

We also have an official brand site at .eu - there’s a link to it in the footer